
Outdoor boudoir l Louisa, Va Portrait Photographer

This project has been in the dreaming and planning process for almost a year. Now that the heat has hit hard in Virginia, along with crazy thunder storms, I am not as crazy busy on the weekends. Most weekends I spend catching up on editing, house and yard work. But I decided to FINALLY do this this past week. I contacted a few people to try and get things together, and contacted a few clients to see if they would be willing to be in front of the camera on such short notice, have I mentioned I have some pretty rock star clients!!!!! 🙂  So, I went location scouting Friday evening, an me not thinking decided to wear flip flops knowing I was going walking in fields, I blame it on the new blonde I just got added. hehehehehe After looking at what I thought would be my perfect location, which it was from the road, it was not close up and walking/driving through it. My wonderful friend Dustin suggested a different location and we walked it from 6pm to 730pm, and a few ticks later, I would know EXACTLY where to set up the bed and how the sun set was going to hit. In hoping for perfect sunset lighting on Sunday, of course we got thunderstorms. I thought “hey that’s okay, I will over prepare.” So I spend the morning debating about this shoot, and watching the radar and chances of rain like a crazy lady. My poor Erica was not feeling fantastic, and I missed her on this shoot a whole lot. As we planned for other props, but we can do those another time 😉 In meeting with Erica for a few to figure out how to sync our flashes, it was quite frustrating, but we got it, and I was determined to have so “like sunset” images. I told my wonderful models: “If its sunny GREAT, if its cloudy I have flashes, if its rainy think The Notebook when the rain storms hits.” I WAS PREPARED for any situation.

I hope y’all love these images as much as I do, although not as dreamy as I would have like, my models ROCKED this shoot. 🙂


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