
2012 Year in Review l Personal l Louisa, Va Photographer

I don’t exactly know where to start, but I am not a huge fan of
blogging, and one of my 2013 resolutions is to blog more to connect
better with my clients, so I am hoping I will learn to love it.

was a roller coaster year for me. It had huge ups and downs, in my
personal and business life. The beginning of 2012 was rocky for me. As I
battled getting out of a really bad relationship, which I am grateful
that I am still alive today to make it past that. I won’t exactly get
into that, as it has taken me awhile to openly discuss all of the things
that I went through. But that is also the reason that I have a strong
passion for women photography, and bringing self confidence to women;
because you never know what bringing self confidence to a woman will
help her do.

I pride myself on being independent these
days. I thank my horrible ex relationship for that. As I have bought a
home which I have a small studio in, and now also a boudoir room. I have
a company vehicle, that has been customized thanks to a deer. lol I
also pride myself on women empowerment, I get to lift women’s spirits
for a living, do you know how honoring that is??? AMAZING!!! 

started off slow, as I learned manual mode and shooting in RAW, this
was troubling at first as I am self taught. I join a group of fellow
photographers in early Feb and a few we are still great friends, and
learn from each other. I have an amazingly hilarious assistant Katelyn
that I love working with and traveling with. Through going through my
rough patch in March to July, my clients lifted me up. They brought me
back into light, when I was in the dark. Y’all gave me my smile back. I
thought I would always be cold hearted, and my clients made me know what
love was again. I LOVE photography, I LOVE my clients. While crying
writing this, I want everyone to know when I am photographing my clients
whether it be a wedding, family, maternity, couple, etc, I want
everyone to feel what they are feeling when you look at their images.
Whether it be love, sadness, passion, or laughter; For example, during
the Hurt Wedding the before wedding sneak peek where the bride and groom
didn’t want to see each other so I used a door to separate them, and
when Shannon put her hand on Travis’ hand shaking nervously and was
looking at me crying, I begin to cry because I felt her happy
nervousness, and as a photographer that is an AMAZING connection that I
get to share with my clients.  I get to share secrets with clients, I
get calls about clients expecting, picking out wedding dresses, knowing
the sex of the baby before everyone else, my clients want ME in the
delivery room, I share birthdays, anniversaries, etc…..y’all have
become MY FAMILY!!! As I have been struggling with knowing if I am
successful, and what defines being successful in photography, I have to
remind myself that it is when you feel it within yourself. And I didn’t
feel that until this year. Myself and Katelyn got to travel for weddings
during the summer, which that is a huge honor once you get to capture
weddings out of state. I totaled up my sessions and weddings for 2012 and I had 126 sessions and 17 weddings……sssshhhhooo thank you everyone, y’all are amazing!

I get to meet so many people
doing this job. Brides, grooms, families, vendors, fellow photographers,
all which is an honor. This is a dream come true for me, knowing I get
to capture moments that last a lifetime!!! So thank you thank you thank
you all clients past, present and future ones. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, for capturing your life, helping me grow and learn from my mistakes, and thank you for being YOU!  Here are some images
from 2012…..stay beautiful everyone!!

  1. I love this … VERY GREAT POST CRYS!! 🙂 BAM!!


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