I thought this would be a FUN session for a mommy to be. Well I was very glad when Kristina agreed to do this session with me. This day she had just found out the sex of her baby, it was rainy, and we both thought we would be out of luck on the idea […]

I absolutely LOVE this couple. They are very tender-hearted, and this was the first groom I had that had more questions than the bride. Chuckie was more than excited to marry his high school sweet heart, way over due I’m sure. Kim and Chuckie are SOOOO in love, and they come from a large and […]

This is one HILARIOUS family!!!

Here is a collection of a few of my favorites from my ump-teen boudoir sessions from 2012 for Valentine’s day. These ladies I must say are pretty freakin’ BAD ASS! It does take guts, or a few glasses of wine to begin these sessions, but every lady was very glad they did it, and all […]